Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Jayd smiled. He sat down on a chair, grabbing his book. "Should we try and probably fail to study our animals?"
'Sounds good,' Chester said with a chuckle, sitting down as well.
Jayden chuckled. "Alright." He opened his book.
Chester nodded with a chuckle and grabbed his own book.
Jayd flipped to the part he was on.
(Gonna go for like 30-an hour!) -
(alr! I'll be here lmao)
Chester flipped a few pages to where he was up to. -
Jayden hummed a bit as he read.
'I can't focus with your humming,' Chester said, not rudely.
Jayd stopped humming and started whistling. "That better?" He said jokingly before stopping after a minute or two.
Chester rolled his eyes playfully, then went back to his book.
Jayden chuckled before turning his attention back to his book as well.
Chester turned the page.
Jayd read a few pages, looking up at Chester every once in a while.
Chester glanced at Jayden when he noticed him looking at him. 'Not this again.'
"What?" Jayden chuckled.
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