Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
'You're gonna start denying you're the most handsome one out of us again!'
"I... I will." Jayd admit. "But only because I'm right!"
'You're not!' Chester protested with a chuckle.
"I am! Have you looked at yourself?! You're way handsomer than I ever will be!"
'Yeah, right,' Chester said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.
"Yeah, I'm right!" Jayd said even though he knew Chester was being sarcastic.
'Oh, shush.'
"How about no? I don't think I want to."
'Why's that?'
"Because I'd rather annoy you. And tell you how gorgeous you are."
'Are we going to get any reading in this time?' Chester asked with a light chuckled.
"Not if you won't agree you're the prettier one."
'Well, I'm not agreeing to that,' Chester said, closing his book.
"Then we'll have to keep talking."
'Fine, then.'
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