Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Chester kissed the back of Jayden's hand.
Jayd blushed. "See? You're too charming!"
'Oh shush,' Chester said with a chuckle. He opened the doors to the library.
"I don't want to though!" Jayden laughed, entering the library.
'Then you'll have to stop calling me an idiot.'
"So I'm supposed to just call you beautiful? Not a bad plan."
'It's better than idiot.'
"Alright beautiful, sounds good."
'What should I call you?' Chester asked, kissing Jayden's cheek.
"I don't know, nicknames are supposed to be given to you, not suggested." Jayden said, blushing.
'Hm...' Chester hummed thoughtfully. 'Beloved sounds a bit too cheesy, doesn't it? What about waffle? Yes, I'm calling you waffle,' he said, part jokingly.
"Waffle? You're such a weirdo." Jayd laughed.
'Not much more than you are, my beloved,' Chester teased, chuckling.
"Fair enough beautiful." Jayden shot back, laughing.
Chester chuckled, rolling his eyes.
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