Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
"I will never stop calling you that, beautiful idiot." Jayden smirked, chuckling.
'Stop!' Chester exclaimed, laughing.
"Never!" Jayd laughed. "It's your nickname forever."
'I don't agree to that.'
"Too bad. Would you rather just be called beautiful? Or idiot works too..."
'I'd rather be called Chester,' he said with a chuckle.
"Well there's no good nickname for that, beautiful idiot." Jayden was now using the nickname to annoy Chester
Chester rolled his eyes. 'Weirdo,' he chuckled.
"Yes I am." Jayd grinned.
'It's good you know that,' Chester said, smirking.
"Well I'd hate to be normal."
'Fair enough.'
Jayd smiled, squeezing Chester's hand. "Being normal would be so boring."
'It would be,' Chester said, walking closer to Jayden. 'I'm glad you're not.'
Jayden blushed. "Me too."
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