Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Chester blushed. He grinned.
Jayden was grinning too.
'I love you,' Chester murmured suddenly. He paused. 'Is that OK?'
Jayd blushed, looking up at Chester. Y-yeah." He stuttered, smiling.
Chester kissed his forehead. 'Then I love you.'
Jayden smiled. "I love you too." He said, leaning his head against Chester's shoulder.
Chester blushed. He smiled and ran his fingers through Jayden's curls.
Jayd grinned, squeezing Chester's hand.
Chester smiled back.
Jayden kissed Chester on the nose.
Chester blushed. He murmured into Jayden's hair, 'I love you so, so much.'
Jayd blushed, looking up at Chester. "I love you too."
Chester kissed his cheek
(Afk a lil bit) -
Jayden grinned. The chef walked up to the table after a few moments.
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