Heart shaped box
Thread Topic: Heart shaped box
‘My parents are making me see this new therapist,’ Collins said.
Riley raised her eyebrows. It unintentionally made her face look more disturbing. "What's a therapist? It doesn't sound good." Florence said. It sounded like two different words to him. One with a terrible connotation.
‘It’s like a doctor but for emotions,’ Collins said, looking back at Florence. ‘Except in this case my parents just want my therapist to get me to be more “normal”. Whatever that means.’
"I think you're pretty normal, in a good way. Normal is rare around here." Florence said. He appreciated the human look that Collins had.
‘Well, thanks. Hopefully if I go the hour without talking I won’t have to do that many sessions,’ Collins said, tucking her phone back in her pocket.
"or... You can tell them recipes... They'll get bored eventually... That's what I used to do." Riley said, chuckling. Florence put down his book. "I hope it doesn't take too much time. Therapist sounds like a jerk." Florence said
Collins gave a small smile. ‘I’ll make sure to try that, then. Some therapists are jerks, but I guess they do try to help.’
"their job is to help... If they don't help... They're not worth the time." Riley said. Florence nodded in support
‘Yeah. I just hate that my parents keep booking all these different ones when they end up not helping,’ Collins said.
"you have to keep on... Until you find a helpful one... Otherwise you won't feel better." Riley said "do they really help?" Florence asked
‘I haven’t met one that helps yet, but maybe that’s just a me problem. I’ve heard it works for some people,’ Collins said.
"they might... Just be taking... The wrong approach." Riley said. Florence didn't know much on the topic so he chose to say less
‘I guess I don’t make it easier, either,’ Collins said quietly.
"it's okay... To rebel against them... If you don't want help... They can't help if you don't want help." Riley said
‘I just want people to stop telling me there’s something wrong with me,’ Collins said, looking up at Riley.
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