Heart shaped box
Thread Topic: Heart shaped box
Collins was quiet for a few moments. ‘I think you’re still beautiful,’ she said softly. ‘What happened to Mary?’
"Mary....... Died. It was before I came here. She had cancer... So nothing could be done. I tried to join her... But God had a crummy plan set out for me." Riley said. Florence frowned before closing his book.
‘I’m sorry to hear that,’ Collins said. She hated that she could relate. ‘Was that why you were admitted to the mental ward?’
"yes... If I went back... I still would be too shocked... To pick a better option... Mary was too young to die... But it's in the past now." Riley said. Florence's eyes started to tear up. The story was just too sad for him
Collins nodded, looking down and picking at the carpet. ‘Are you sure you don’t want the locket? I don’t want to keep such an important keepsake because you felt bad about being a little rude.’
"I can't wear it anyways... My neck is too big... Plus it deserves to see the sun... And the locket would look great on you... If you decided to wear it." Riley said. Florence was trying not to cry and decided to finish reading Green eggs and ham
Collins pat Florence’s shoulder. ‘I might, if it’s okay with you,’ she said.
"I would love to see.... The locket worn again." Riley said, smiling at Collins.
Collins gave a small smile back. ‘If you’re sure.’
Riley nodded approvingly. Florence flipped through the door. Getting slightly tired of the repetition at the end of green eggs and ham but impressed by the pictures
Collins took out the locket and played with the chain for a few moments, then put it around her neck.
"it really does... look great on you." Riley said. Florence clapped approvingly. "Very shiny." He commented
Collins smiled. ‘Thanks,’ she said quietly, going back to picking at the carpet. She never knew how to respond to compliments.
"Mary... Was shy like that too." Riley said. Florence looked through the bookshelf again, trying to find a good book
‘She sounds nice,’ Collins said, then looked over at Florence.
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