Heart shaped box
Thread Topic: Heart shaped box
"they were hard to read sometimes." Florence said. "That must be... How you relearned so many big words." Riley said
‘Those science books are very boring,’ Collins said, looking at him.
"there's lots of boring books." Florence said
Collins nodded. ‘I’ve only read pirated ones online, though, so I guess I can’t talk.’
"books with pirates are cool." Florence said. He flexed his wings and a feather fell out
Collins chuckled. ‘Yeah, they are.’
Florence saw his feather then gingerly picked it up and offered it to Collins
Collins blinked, then took a feather with the hand that wasn’t holding her sandwich. ‘Um, thanks.’
"no problem! It's better than a scale." Florence chimed
Collins chuckled. She tucked the feather into a smaller pocket in her satchel so it wouldn’t get crushed with the other things.
Florence found a book called the gruffalo. He pulled it from the shelf and put away the very hungry caterpillar.
Collins finished half of her sandwich before wrapping it back up and putting it away. Her phone buzzed with a message.
Florence started reading, he folded his wings
Collins grabbed it out and sighed. ‘I’ve got to go in a bit.’
"where... Are you going?" Riley asked. Florence looked up from his book.
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