Heart shaped box
Thread Topic: Heart shaped box
"she was... She wanted to work... In disaster relief." Riley said. Florence pulled out the rainbow fish and was delighted by the colors.
‘My cousin works in disaster relief,’ Collins said, then looked over Florence’s shoulder at the book.
Florence opened the book and started reading. He liked looking at the rainbow fish and he liked the texture that the book has on the scales. Riley nodded then sat on the bed.
Collins leaned against the side of the shelf, hugging her knees to her chest.
Florence finished the book, and got a bit upset at the ending. "Collins, would you stop being my friend if I didn't give you my wings?" He said.
Collins looked at him. ‘I don’t want your wings, though. What would I do with them?’
"fly. You could fly pretty much anywhere with my wings. This book is a bad example of friendship." Florence said. He blinked his third eye.
‘I haven’t read the book in a while. But I’d never ask for something like your wings, or stop being friends with you because you want to keep them,’ Collins said.
"exactly. The fish asked her to rip her skin off just to make them happy." Florence said. He mimicked a popping balloon
‘Then they’re not real friends, right?’ Collins said, resting her head against the shelf.
"exactly! Gifts are no good if they hurt you directly." Florence said. He put the book back on the shelf and went searching again
Collins gave a small smile, watching him. ‘I wouldn’t want your wings, anyway. We’d have to sew them on and somehow connect the nerves.’
"that's more possible than anything but as much as I like you, I don't think I could give you my wings anyways. Changing myself so drastically for a friend doesn't sound good. Even for a best friend." Florence said
‘As you should. Or, shouldn’t, I guess. You shouldn’t feel compelled to change yourself just because someone told you to.’
"exactly. Also a good friend wouldn't ask you to hurt yourself. That's the last thing I'd want my friends to do." Florence said
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