Heart shaped box
Thread Topic: Heart shaped box
Collins followed, looking down at their hands.
Florence hurried as fast as he could but then... He tripped. Riley walked out of her room and approached the two slowly after hearing Florence trip.
Collins looked down at him. ‘You good?’
"I'm fine." Florence said as he sat up. The hallway way rotating slowly. He got up and attempted to carry on. "You two... Seem to need... Help." Riley commented
‘Are you still dizzy?’ Collins asked Florence. ‘You can rest if you want. I’ll just… wait outside.’
"I am a little dizzy." Florence said as he sat up to at least get himself off of the floor.
Collins looked at Riley, then back at Florence, fidgeting with her hands. ‘I figured.’
"I can get you.... an exit... closer to here... In the meanwhile... I know somewhere... less colorless... for you two to rest." Riley said. Florence turned around
Collins looked back at Riley. ‘Thanks,’ she said quietly. She extended a hand to Florence. ‘Need help getting up?’
Florence took Collins hand. Riley opened a door slightly further down the hall. It was yellow with a rainbow decal.
Collins pulled him up into a standing position. She looked inside the room.
The room had my little pony sheets that had unfortunately grown moldy over time. There was a small cabinet that was heavily child locked and there's was a locked shelf full of children's books. It looked like a sick kid's room. Florence was amused by the colors
Collins figured she could pick the locks if she got bored. It was gross and smelled weird, but it was better than the rest of the mental ward. ‘Thanks, Riley.’
"no... problem." Riley said. She then, punched out the plexiglass window. Florence, in shock, clapped his hands. "It's... An exit." Riley said, to justify the window removal
‘… oh. Thanks,’ Collins said, looking at Riley.
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