Heart shaped box
Thread Topic: Heart shaped box
"I feel a little dizzy. It's okay though." Florence said. He tried to keep walking fast and then, before he could trip on his own feet they made it to the room where the locket dropped
‘It’s not okay if you’re dizzy,’ Collins insisted, following. ‘We can go slower if you want..’
"I'll be fine. I don't want you to stay here longer. It makes you upset." Florence said. Anyone could say Florence was stupid but he had a lot of emotional intelligence.
Collins was silent for a few moments. ‘I’m fine. I don’t want you to pass out because I’m upset.’
"i don't pass out easy. It takes a lot." Florence said. He opened the door and stepped inside before sitting down to give himself some air. No one was inside. There was however, a book on the bed.
Collins looked around the room, sighing softly. She looked at the book and picked it up.
It seemed to be a diary. It was pink and tattered. Florence looked around the room and was confused by how empty and small it was.
Collins didn’t want to invade anyone’s privacy, so instead she showed Florence. ‘Do you know who’s this is?’
Florence looked at it then he took the book carefully and traced the cover with his eyes closed. "Property of Riley Fletcher." Florence said.
‘Do you think the necklace is Riley’s too?’ Collins asked.
"possibly. Riley did come from this ward." Florence said. He looked around the room looking for anything else to room and found a ripped hoodie without drawstrings
Collins put the diary back down on the bed. ‘Do you know where she is?’
"not really. She doesn't like to stay in one place at a time." Florence said, shrugging.
‘Fair enough. I wouldn’t like to be in here all the time either,’ Collins said.
Florence nodded before going to the window in the room, he tried punching it open only to learn that when the glass broke it only bent rather than shattering.
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