Heart shaped box
Thread Topic: Heart shaped box
"I was worried about that from the beginning but he was acting so friendly." Florence said
‘Yeah, he was. His hatred of me seems like a little more than distrust,’ Collins said, looking up at the clouds.
"everyone's so distrustful." Florence said. After he said that, something small fell from a window above. It was a locket that fell beside Collins.
Collins turned her head to look at the locket. She picked it up and sat up, holding it to the light. ‘What’s this?’
Florence looked up but whatever dropped it was gone. He looked at the Locket. "I saw this before. I don't know who's it is though." Florence said
Collins inspected the locket and tried to pry it open.
It opened. It showed two women. A mother and daughter.
Collins frowned, looking at the photo. ‘Do you know who they are?’ she asked Florence, showing him the locket.
"not really. I didn't get to see people in the other wards." Florence said as he scratched at the bandages. They were a little bit itchy.
Collins looked back at the photo inside. She tucked the locket into her pocket. ‘I wonder who dropped it.’
"we could go check the ward. The experiments there don't like their things being lost." Florence said.
‘Good idea,’ Collins said. ‘Do you need help standing?’
"I'd appreciate some help." Florence said as he extended two hands.
Collins stood up and grabbed his hands, pulling him up.
Florence flapped his wings to help, but also because he was happy. "Thank you." Florence said before continuing "should we go by the stairs or should I fly you up?" Florence asked
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