Heart shaped box
Thread Topic: Heart shaped box
Collins shuffled a bit away from Florence when Moses jabbed the needle into his arm. She frowned slightly but didn’t say anything, mostly because she was a little scared of Moses.
Florence's eyes rolled back and closed before he slowly sat up. "You're okay." Moses said, relieved as he carefully hugged Florence, his spikes retreating almost entirely at this point. "I'm sorry for scaring you Collins." Florence reiterated.
‘It’s okay,’ Collins said quietly, looking between them. ‘Wh-What’s the needle supposed to do?’ she asked Moses.
Moses let go of Florence. "It was full of antivenin for my spikes. These things are full of tetratoxin. I was made to be a pufferfish crossbreed." Moses said. As he flexed and straightened Florence's fingers, hoping to speed up the antivenin. His eyelids fluttered.
‘Ah, right,’ Collins said, fidgeting with her hands. ‘Do we need to do anything for the open wounds?’
"we heal on our own. The most he needs is something to cover it and a place less dusty than this. Maybe some water." Moses said before looking back at Collins.
Collin’s tucked the unused antiseptic back in her satchel. ‘I have a waterbottle and some bandages,’ she said, trying to be helpful.
"good, now help me get him outside already." Moses said bossily as he tried to pick up Florence. Florence bopped him on the head for that.
Collins sighed and got up. ‘Can you stand?’ she asked Florence.
Florence got up shakily. He was still dizzy. A few of his feathers fell out. He stumbled forward unsurely. Moses rushed to his side "don't stress him out like that!" He shouted. "You're not helping." Florence said to Moses as he swayed from side to side before taking a few more steps forward
Collins put a hand on Florence’s shoulder to steady him. ‘Stop yelling, you’re stressing both of us,’ Collins said, trying not to snap, but inadvertently failing. ‘Take your time, Florence.’
"well... well... None of this would've even happened if you told me what you were planning! You had to make me angry and scare Florence" Moses said, making up excuses. Florence mimicked a growl at the other experiment.
‘I’m not planning anything! This is your fault for making stupid assumptions based on your unreasonable hatred for people! I’m not some horrible scientist, I’m 15!’ Collins exclaimed.
"well maybe you know the horrible scientists!" Moses said trying hard to find more ways to blame people. Florence tried to shuffle away faster and tried flaring out his wings to block Moses from Collins. "Collins is right." Florence said with conviction.
‘How would that even be possible?! I’m tired of people assuming things about me! You don’t know me, and no matter what I do you’ll find some stupid reason to get mad at me and I’m sick of it!’ Collins shouted. It wasn’t just Moses, even if he was the one she was taking it out on, it was everyone. ‘I can’t win! All I’m trying to do is help!’
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