Heart shaped box
Thread Topic: Heart shaped box
"of course you want something from him. You probably don't even know him very well. And if you wanted to help Florence then why are you even doing all this?" Moses said as spikes started to poke through his face. Florence braced himself for having to dash in.
‘What could I possibly want from him? I-I know him enough, and I can’t just help Florence without helping the rest of you. That isn’t fair,’ Collins said, taking another step back.
"I don't know! You all want something! You're humans! ALL YOU PEOPLE EVER DO IS EXPLOIT US!" Moses said furiously. Florence rushed in and grappled Moses. Spikes shot through hair arms before Moses actually started worrying
Collins stumbled backwards, standing against the wall as she watched Florence tackle Moses. ‘F-Florence, calm down, it’s okay.’
"I was worried... He sounded mad." Florence said. He sounded quieter than usual. "Holy shid. Florence? Florence!" Moses shouted in a panic. He quickly removed his spikes from Florence's arm and backed away.
Collins glanced at Moses, then back at Florence. Her gaze fell on her friend’s arm. ‘Are you okay?’ she asked worriedly.
"no! Shoot shoot shoot! I gotta find the antivenin. Oh my gods! Why'd you go and do that!?" Moses shouted at Florence. "I didn't want you... To hurt Collins." Florence said. He sat down and let his wings fall down. Slowly, a few feathers fell out of his wings. Moses started frantically searching desk drawers around the room.
Collins quickly opened her satchel. She found antiseptic and bandages, but presumed that might not be enough. ‘O-Oh, gosh-‘ She sat down next to Florence, putting the roll of bandages and antiseptic on the ground. ‘Can I see?’
Florence held out is arms. They had lots of small pinpricks along with the larger wound. The largest wounds had started to turn orange at the rims and smelled faintly of chlorine. Moses ran around even more frantically.
Collins felt like yelling at Moses for multiple reasons, but didn’t, since that wouldn’t help. Antiseptic wouldn’t help either. She was pretty sure she wasn’t supposed to use it on open wounds. ‘Oh, jeez. U-Um, we can try to stitch it up, o-or maybe clean it and it will close up on its own..’
"don't touch it! I'll be right back idiots! Jeebus why'd you gotta go and do that!" Moses shouted as he ran down the hall. "I'm sorry Collins... I just didn't want him attacking you... They always got violent with humans... and you don't heal like we do..." Florence said. He looked at Collins, his ears drooped further, seeing how sad she was. Florence felt worse about hurting Collins' feelings than he felt about getting himself hurt.
‘It’s okay, don’t be sorry,’ Collins said softly, grabbing his hand to try and comfort him. ‘I’m not mad.’ She glanced down the hallway where Moses had gone, then turned her attention back to Florence. ‘I’m just worried about you. But thanks for trying to defend me.’
"Collins?" Florence said in a timid little voice. His eyes seemed sadder as he stared at Collins. His arms felt heavy. As he got a bit dizzy. "Can I... Can I touch your hair?" Florence asked timidly. It always looked soft to him.
Collins looked at his worriedly. ‘If you want, go ahead,’ she said quietly. ‘Are you okay?’
Florence patted her head and smiled. "It's soft... I'm... A bit dizzy." Florence said Moses came running in with a dusty old syringe. It was filled with some sort of purple liquid. Moses grabbed Florence's arm and jabbed it into the inside of his elbow. "You're okay. You're gonna be okay Florence." Moses said before manually curling Florence's fingers.
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