Heart shaped box
Thread Topic: Heart shaped box
(Oops that sent too soon, sorry)
‘Oh. Well, I got some candy for you, since you mentioned you like it yesterday,’ Collins said, pulling out the pack of candy from the plastic shopping bag. -
"I want them to communicate. I want them to tell me something. I know these things are smart. They know what we say." Moses said
‘They’re only mice. Unless they were experimented on too,’ Collins said, holding out the bag to Moses.
"why else would they be here? Oh damn! Candy? I didn't mean to make you feel bad lady." Moses said, taking the bag. Florence smiled.
‘Mice are always in abandoned places. They’re harmless. I think,’ Collins said.
"these are lab mice. I think I'd know if they were or not." Moses said, rolling his eyes "the lab mice like to chase normal mice away." Florence added
‘Oh, right. Well, enjoy your candy and mice, I guess,’ Collins said.
"nah, I'll hang out with you and Florence. You're better company anyways." Moses said. Florence smiled. "Yeah, we're way better than mice." Florence said.
‘Can’t argue with that. Where should I put the food so the other experiments can have some?’ Collins said.
"just set it down somewhere with a note. They'll sniff it out. That bein' said, Florence, would you mind if I had a quick word with this lady real quick?" Moses asked. "You should ask Collins if you could have a word with her." Florence said sassily.
‘Alright.’ Collins looked around and unpacked the contents of the grocery bag onto a table and wrote on the back of the receipt “help yourself”. She looked at Moses. ‘I don’t mind.’
"neat." Moses said. He looked at Florence. His ears drooped as he hesitantly walked out of the door. He stayed close enough to intervene if he needed. Moses demeanour shifted aggressively. "What's your goal here human?" He asked in an accusatory tone.
Collins watched Florence leave, then looked back at Moses. ‘What do you mean?’
"you're obviously after somethin, no one's nice to us for no reason. You hang around Florence because you know he's the only one who doesn't suspect anything." Moses said, his spikes getting bigger. Florence shuffled at the door. Worried about what was going on
Collins frowned, taking a cautious step back. ‘Florence is my first friend, I want to help him,’ she said quietly. ‘I can’t think of anything I’d want from him for my personal gain.’
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