Heart shaped box
Thread Topic: Heart shaped box
"thirty seven... We can build the beds." Riley said. "I need mine not to have springs, spikes get caught." Moses said. Florence looked back at the experiments and flapped his wings before mimicking the sound of creaky doors
Collins nibbled her pizza. ‘That sounds doable,’ she said.
"with this attitude..... You can meet jen someday." Riley said. Riley then walked over to Florence. "You eat too.... You may irritate us.... But you are like us." It said, handing Florence a pizza crust.
‘Who’s Jen, anyway?’ Collins asked.
"she's the experiment who lives in the experiment chambers. We jumped out of the window because she saw you." Florence said, flapping his wings tentatively.
‘Oh, right,’ Collins said. ‘Is she super scary or something?’
"she hates humans... More than all of us... She eats your people." Riley said. Florence mimicked a scream he'd heard only weeks ago.
‘Oh.’ Collins suddenly wasn’t very hungry anymore. ‘To each their own, I guess.’
Florence nibbled on the pizza crust Riley had given him as he watched Moses and Riley. He was slightly worried about Collins' safety. He shuffled his wings a bit, then mimicked a red cardinal.
Collins checked the time on her phone. It was late afternoon, a couple hours before her curfew.
"a phone? Do you have any games?" Moses asked. His spikes stuck up. Florence mimicked a loud bell
‘Uh, a few. I have candy crush,’ Collins said.
"candy? I miss candy. I haven't had candy in five years. I'd put candy on the demands list." Moses said. Florence frowned and shuffled a bit closer to Moses.
Collins didn’t feel like explaining Candy Crush to something that looked like it was from a horror movie. ‘Right.’
"don't look at me like I'm stupid now. Don't you know that's rude? I had cancer, not some stupifying developmental disability. I used to play candy crush all the time." Moses said, scowling at Collins. "Not knowing doesn't make you stupid!" Florence shouted, irritated at Moses. He mimicked a train whistle
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