Heart shaped box
Thread Topic: Heart shaped box
Collins winced and blocked her ears, feeling a headache coming on from the noises. ‘I don’t think Florence would like that,’ she said over the noise, not sure if the creature could hear.
"he'll get over it probably. I forgives you humans for everything. It's not fair. In my mind, you're far worse monsters than we are." The creature said "the heart is special!" Florence yells at the creature, obviously enraged. His eyes had turned pitch black as he hissed noises of grating metal at the other creature.
Collins slowly pulled her hands away from her ears, half expecting Florence to start screeching again. ‘Who gets the heart isn’t my decision to make,’ she said quietly.
"it's my decision because it belongs to me." Florence said before nodding his head once dramatically and then walking over and standing beside Collins.
‘Why do you want it, anyway? It just.. plays music,’ Collins said.
"there's more to it. I know there is. There HAS to be. We just need the box..." The creature continued on before Florence lunged at it, snapping his jaws threateningly. He mimicked a whimpering dog mixed with the sharp sound your eardrums make after an explosion.
Collins covered her ears again, wincing. ‘Florence, can you stop making those sounds please? It won’t get the box.’
Florence looked back at Collins and his ears drooped pitifully as well as his expression. Florence had forgotten how his angry noises could hurt the ears of more than just the individual he was mad at. He walked backwards then sat down and played the song. He mimicked the song back in the sweet melody of the harp as an apology.
Collins pulled her hands away once she noticed he stopped. ‘Thank you,’ she said, sitting down next to him, then looking up at the creature.
The creature took another slice of pizza. "The box has something special. Florida can tell if you touch it, instinctively. Floride has always been weird, but never that-" the creature prattled on before Riley came back to the door, following it were more experiments. "Quiet." Riley said. The transparent creature shut it's mouth.
Collins looked up at Riley. She grabbed a piece of Hawaiian pizza for herself and picked off the pineapple.
"we have... demands." Riley said. "I already gave a demand." The transparent creature said. "Yours don't count... Moses... You should've attended.... The meeting." Riley said. Moses scowled. Florence kept humming and started drawing little patterns in the dirt with his claws.
‘Demands?’ Collins said. As far as she was concerned, they were just trying to make them not kill them. ‘What kind of demands?’
"beds... We want beds... This wretched sticky place is cold and covered in pain... It would be better to feel comfortable at night than suffer forever... We also demand more food... We starve here daily... This prison will leave us hungry no longer." Riley said. It's voice was loud and booming. Florence flapped his wings in anticipation.
Collins slid her hand into her pocket, feeling the credit card. She nibbled the pizza. ‘I think we can do that,’ she said. ‘You guys can probably learn to assemble beds. How many do we need?’
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