Heart shaped box
Thread Topic: Heart shaped box
Collins didn’t like Florence’s excessive loudness, but she didn’t say anything, mostly for fear of appearing rude again. ‘Sorry,’ she mumbled, suddenly very interested in the cheese on her piece of pizza.
Florence shifted his wings and then started preening his feathers.
‘I should get going,’ Collins said after a few moments, standing up. ‘My parents will be suspicious.’
"oh, okay." Florence said slightly dejected. "See you tomorrow Collins!" Florence said cheerfully before mimicking a bell.
‘See you,’ Collins said, giving a small smile. She grabbed her satchel and turned to leave.
Florence watched Collins. Shifting between arms on both sides. He mimicked an accordion
Collins walked out of the area, down an alleyway and back to her house. She unlocked the door with her spare key.
Florence watched Collins go. As everyone slowly filtered back to their rooms in the hospital, Florence sat outside, watching the last spot he'd seen Collins
Collins walked upstairs to the apartment. She heard her father watching some sport game on TV with his friends. She opened the door and walked straight to her room, the stupid yelling still audible. She made a list of food to get, including candy as a peace offering to Moses.
Florence folded down his wings, using them as a blanket as he watched the road. He occasionally chirped as he sat waiting
Collins spent most of her afternoon finishing schoolwork. She looked for places to buy beds on her laptop, learned how expensive beds are, and figured that would be a tomorrow problem.
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