Heart shaped box
Thread Topic: Heart shaped box
Florence looked over to Collins, hoping to show any support he could. "Thank you for helping." Florence said. Moses sat shocked at Collins actually standing up to him
Collins looked at Florence, calming down a little bit. She wanted to do more yelling, but that wouldn’t achieve anything, and she knew she’d regret it later. ‘It’s fine,’ she muttered, looking down.
Florence smiled. He seemed to read Collins mind as he stumbled forward. "It'll take awhile to get to the end of the hall. Say everything you want to. You can talk to me" Florence said. He was still dizzy. The hall spun as he walked slowly towards the door. He thought about the fight earlier. He was proud of his incredibly dangerous intervention, because he didn't trust Moses not to attack. Moments like that were the scariest type of moment
Collins followed Florence to the door, keeping a hand on his shoulder to keep him from falling over. ‘It’s fine. You’re not the one I’m upset at,’ she mumbled.
"but I let you think you had to worry about these guys... They're completely unfair to you... I promise I'll keep them away from you... Especially Moses." Florence said. They made their way ever so closer to the door outside.
‘Don’t worry about it, Florence,’ Collins said, forcing a smile. ‘I don’t mind.’
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