Heart shaped box
Thread Topic: Heart shaped box
Collins relaxed into his arms. She wrapped her arms loosely around his torso and buried her face in his shoulder. She wasn't a huggy person, but she could make an exception.
Florence cried a bit. "No one should ever be made fun of for the fact they could've died." Florence said. Then he repeated the sentiment in Spanish, French, Dutch, and Italian.
Collins resisted the urge to cry herself. She didn't cry much, seeing the closest friend she'd had in years cry over her didn't exactly help. 'It's okay, really,' she said quietly, trying to comfort him.
"it's not okay. There's not a world where it's okay." Florence said, hugging Collins tighter.
Collins didn't reply to that, there wasn't much argument. She let him, relaxing into his hold with a sigh. 'Thank you,' she mumbled into his shoulder.
Florence nodded relaxed his arms. "Those kids are jerks." Florence said. He mimicked a school bell
'Yeah, they are,' Collins mumbled. She awkwardly pulled away and sat up.
"I hope they get kicked out of school and have to pay all their schools money right there." Florence said before mimicking a school bell
Collins nodded, giving a weak smile. She crossed her legs. ‘Me too. But they probably wouldn’t care if they got kicked out of school.’
"that's why they should pay the money too." Florence said, mimicking candy crush of all things.
‘Their parents would pay,’ Collins mumbled. He leaned against the wall.
"then their parents would punish them... I don't know if that's great. It's terrible but... The vat hurts." Florence said. He scratched a bump on his wing.
‘I think the vat is only used as punishment here,’ Collins said. ‘I don’t think parents use it as punishment.’
"right, they'd probably do the shots instead." Florence said. He pulled some built up cartilage off of his feathers that he hadn't noticed earlier.
‘Shots aren’t punishments either. I’m pretty sure that’s illegal. They use needles for good medicine, but that would only be a few times a year,’ Collins said.
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