Heart shaped box
Thread Topic: Heart shaped box
Collins nodded. She wondered if all the experiments didn’t know that the “party” was a funeral. Riley didn’t seem the type to be so clueless about that thing.
"some experiments did try to leave but... It was bad. They were scary. They didn't really have... Faces." Florence said. He pulled a photograph out of the box. It was badly sun damaged but you could faintly see the outlines of people.
‘What do you mean?’ Collins asked, frowning slightly. Her eyes flickered down to watch as he pulled out the photograph.
"the escaped ones were from the vat. The vat changes anyone." Florence said. His hands started to shake. He didn't like talking about anything vat related
‘Ah. Okay,’ Collins said, thinking. She noticed his shaky hands and decided to quickly change the subject. ‘Who’s the photo of?’
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