Heart shaped box
Thread Topic: Heart shaped box
Florence flexed his wings out then folded them again
Collins grabbed out a peanut butter sandwich and offered him half.
Florence took TT sandwich half and happily ate it. "So, what was therapist seeing like?" Florence asked.
'Just like normal, I guess,' Collins said quietly, taking a nibble. 'They ask a bunch of questions, talk to my mum, etcetera.'
"I thought it was about you, why are they talking to your mom?" Florence asked
'Just to see what she thinks about it all, I guess. And why she's putting me in therapy,' Collins said. 'I hate going because if I'm actually honest, they'll tell my mother and she'll get mad.'
"if she takes you there to solve problems, then gets angry about the problems why does she make you go?" Florence asked, genuinely very confused. He cocked his head like a dog who is being presented a math question
'Well, I don't know. She thinks she isn't part of the problem, I guess, but it's not that. They're just required to tell her about the dangerous stuff we talk about, and if my mum finds out I'm doing the dangerous stuff, she gets mad at me,' Collins said.
"what dangerous stuff?" Florence asked, turning his head even more.
'Um, stuff. Like how I told you I jumped off a bridge once... stuff like that.'
"oh yeah, the scary stuff." Florence said. It was scarier for Collins to do because she had no wings.
‘Yeah, that stuff,’ Collins said. She didn’t think Florence knew fully what that meant, but it was okay with her. She didn’t want Florence to feel bad for her.
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