Heart shaped box
Thread Topic: Heart shaped box
"of course... There's nothing wrong with you." Riley said sincerely. She smiled reassuringly at Collins. "Of course there's nothing wrong with you! You're great!" Florence shouted.
Collins smiled back. ‘Thanks,’ she said quietly. She got up and pat Florence on the head. ‘I should get going now. I’ll see you this afternoon, if I can.’
"I'll fly you down." Florence said. He unfolded his wings and stood up
‘Thanks,’ Collins said, picking up her satchel.
Florence carefully picked up Collins and flew her down to the ground. Riley waved from the broken window
‘Bye Riley!’ Collins called, latching onto Florence as they few down.
"goodbye... Collins." Riley said before disappearing from the window as she went further into the hospital. "See you later." Florence chimed.
‘See you,’ Collins said with a smile, then begun walking away.
Florence waved, watching Collins go. He then continued to sit outside. He looked at his bandaged arms. They were itchy.
Collins walked home. She walked into the front room, where her mother was on her phone. ‘You’re late. Get ready and get in the car, and make it quick,’ she snapped. 10 minutes later the two sat in the waiting room, Collins picking at the skin on her hands.
Florence itched at his arms then growled in pain. It frustrated him so he tried not to think about it.
After a long and painful therapy session, Collins sat in the car with her mother in awkward silence. When they got home and Collins made for her room, the older woman stopped her. ‘Can you at least try, Collins? I’m paying a lot of money for these sessions!’
‘You don’t have to,’ Collins mumbled.
‘I don’t want you to have to go to these sessions, either, but all the doctors said you’d benefit. Why do you have to be so difficult, it’s not that hard to just be happy! I don’t want you running off everyday to God knows where!’ -
Florence looked back to where Collins headed off to. Sometimes he wished he looked normal so that he could go with her.
Collins didn’t say anything. Her mother exhaled sharply and let her go. ‘Tomorrow we’ll talk about getting you enrolled in a public school again. It’d do you good not to be sitting in your room all day.’
‘Please no.’
‘Well, unless you want to go back to that hospital, you better think of a solution.’
20 minutes later, Collins walked back to the hospital, fidgeting with a stuffed animal she had. Her hands had a few bandaids on them. -
Florence jumped up happily when he saw Collins on the horizon and rushed up to her. "Welcome back!" He exclaimed
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