Heart shaped box
Thread Topic: Heart shaped box
Collins was quiet for a few moments. ‘I don’t know. It depends what kind of hurt, I guess,’ she said. ‘I mainly just… shut down. But everyone responds differently to hurt.’
"I wish hurt would just go somewhere else." Florence said, picking up one of the silver tinted glass shards.
Collins gave a weak smile. ‘Me too. But it happens to everyone, I guess. Some more than others.’
"I think the hardest part is getting out of the some category and into the others." Florence said. He mimicked the low, chattery call of a bird outside
‘Yeah. But it’ll get better soon,’ Collins said. She wasn’t sure who she was trying to convince.
"life has to get better somehow." Florence said. He then started a symphony of mimicked birdcalls. It started with a morning dove, then he added a cardinal, and a chickadee.
‘Hopefully,’ Collins said, nodding. She kicked away some of the glass.
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