Heart shaped box
Thread Topic: Heart shaped box
‘Same,’ Collins said, reached up and absentmindedly playing with the locket.
Florence picked out the very hungry caterpillar before pausing and just setting it down. "Oh yeah, we were gonna go outside." Florence said, reminded of the original reason they went in there by the draft from the window
‘Do you still want to?’ Collins asked. ‘We can stay here if you like.’
"I don't mind either way." Florence commented. He looked at the window then the book
Collins took out a peanut butter sandwich and unwrapped the plastic. ‘I don’t mind either.’
Florence looked between the book and the window before picking up the book. He ended up actually liking the very hungry caterpillar
Collins ate half her peanut butter sandwich, watching him read then zoning out.
"what sound does a caterpillar make?" Florence asked curiously.
Collins broke her blank stare and looked at him. ‘I don’t think they make any sounds. Why?’
"because I'm just like this caterpillar." Florence said.
‘How so?’ Collins asked, nibbling her sandwich.
"because I'm always hungry and I eat just about anything." Florence said, remembering the times he hunted rats in the halls
Collins chuckled. ‘Fair enough.’
"a lot of these books are shorter than the ones in the scientist ward." Florence said. Riley's head shot over to look at Florence in confusion
‘They’re children’s books. I assume the ones in the science ward are adult books,’ Collins said, then looked up at Riley.
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