Heart shaped box
Thread Topic: Heart shaped box
"some of them did. There were always bullies somewhere. One time a researcher chased me down the hall with scissors yelling in a language I'd never heard before." Florence said calmly. He scratched at the bandages in his arms a bit before mimicking a plane that was flying past.
Collins nodded, very concerned. She looked at Florence. ‘… right. That’s… wow. Are you okay?’
"I'm okay. It was better than the tests." Florence said, fluttering his wings a bit as he pulled out someone's lost diamond earring.
‘That’s fair, I guess. It’s still not okay, though. I’m sorry it happened,’ Collins said. She hadn’t been bullied in a while, since she hadn’t spent much time around people her age in a while.
"it's alright. It meant I didn't have to participate in any activity tests for awhile." Florence said happily. He then offered the earring to Collins
Collins carefully took the earring and inspected it. ‘That’s good, I guess.’
"did you ever get bullied?" Florence asked. He flapped his wings a little
‘When I was in school, yeah,’ Collins said. ‘I got pulled out at the end of middle school.’
"what did you get bullied for?" Florence asked curiously as he shifted through his treasure box
‘I dunno, I was the “weird kid”,’ Collins said. ‘Some kid found out about mental stuff and told everyone. Then I had a panic attack one day in the middle of math and got teased for that. And THEN some kind spread a rumour that I had attempted to unalived myself. So my parents pulled me out.’
"why would trying to die get you bullied?" Florence asked. He looked very clearly upset at the premise as his eyes widened from shock
‘Hell if I know,’ Collins muttered, leaning back on her hands. She stared up at the ceiling. ‘And I did, y’know, try. But not before that rumour got spread. I guess people just think it’s weird.’
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