Heart shaped box
Thread Topic: Heart shaped box
"I was... Rude... We were all........ Rude... I am ashamed... Of our prejudice... Especially... Towards a child... You........ Did not deserve that" Riley said. She looked at her diary and gently grabbed the book.
‘Oh.’ Collins said, playing with the chain of the necklace. She felt bad for making Riley feel bad. She carefully tucked the locket back into her pocket. ‘Thank you.’
"if I could......... If I could... Ask a favor... Would you... Let me look at the locket... Occasionally... Whenever we cross paths.... It's hard.... To remember what I looked like... Before this." Riley said. Florence cocked his head at that statement
‘Y-Yeah, of course. Who’s the little girl?’ Collins asked. ‘In the photo.’
"my daughter... Mary... I would introduce the two of you.... If she was around here... But... It's for the best... That she's not here." Riley said.
Collins assumed that meant Mary was alive, just not in the hospital. Which was for the best, she agreed. ‘Right. Fair enough.’
"I wait... Everyday... For that reunion... But now is too soon... Now then... You two should go.... This is no place for children." Riley said, moving out of the way of the door. Florence raised his eyebrows.
Collins frowned slightly. She looked back at Florence, unsure what to say.
Florence walked cautiously past Riley. "The window is plastic." Florence said.
Collins followed, giving Riley a somewhat nervous smile.
Riley seemed confused by Florence's comment but made no move to approach them. "You remind me of her." Riley mumbled as the two left the room.
Collins heard the comment, but didn’t address it. She just wanted to get out of the mental ward.
Florence once again extended his hand to Collins as he stretched out his wings.
Collins’ smile left her face, but she took his hand, wanting any form of comfort.
Florence squeezed Collins' hand reassuringly then started walking quickly. He got dizzy faster this time.
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