Heart shaped box
Thread Topic: Heart shaped box
Collins watched him do so, frowning slightly.
Florence cocked his head on confusion and punched the window again only for it to warp again. "I think the physics is broken." Florence said.
Collins chuckled. ‘Maybe it’s plastic. Can’t you just open the window?’ she said.
"it's painted over. I could tear the paint off I guess." Florence said, looking at the window. He poked a claw through the paint and started tearing through it.
‘Okay.’ Collins looked back down at the diary. She opened it up and flipped to the first page.
The first page read as follows. "I failed. As hard as I tried I couldn't save Mary and I couldn't join her where she went. Now I'm here. In a glorified prison cell. What's worse is that that creepy doctor keeps leering at me. Of course my crappy insurance got me into this trashy hospital. At least the actual director seems nice if not a bit odd." Florence kept tearing at the paint
‘Hey, Florence? Do you know who Mary is?’ Collins asked her friend, looking up from the diary at him.
"not really. I haven't heard of a Mary." Florence said as he pulled a bit of paint out from underneath his fingernails
Collins took out the locket and pried it open again. ‘Maybe she’s the girl in the picture,’ she said. ‘Should we wait here until Riley comes back?’
"are you sure?" Florence asked, his eyes full of concern for Collins. His third eye even looked up at her
‘If you want. I’ll be fine.’ Collins sat down next to the bed.
Then there was a figure at the door. "What are you... Doing here." The figure said. She lumbered through the door. It was Riley. Florence got into a defensive stance. His wings flared out.
Collins fumbled for the locket. She stood up and held it out for Riley to inspect. ‘We thought this might be yours.’
"it's... A gift... I can't wear it... And....... I wanted... To apologize." Riley said she looked at the locket sadly. The open locker was pointed to Riley.
Collins frowned slightly. She looked down at the locket, at the picture of the mother and daughter. ‘Apologise? For what?’
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