``We are the freaks``
Thread Topic: ``We are the freaks``
The hotdog chirped. Callum's stomach hurt from laughing.
"That's what you get for slapping me!" Eli said, letting it's hands go carefully.
The hotdog snatched its arms back and ran around the room, bumping into the easles.
"Watch out!" Eli laughed. "Little crazy guy!"
Callum chuckled, turning his attention to the mini-James crawling around on the floor.
James was chasing the hotdog, still very mad about being dropped, but a couple other pirates were chasing him.
Callum lifted his foot so he wouldn't be in the way of the pirates.
James tripped on the floorboard, and one of the pirates caught him.
Callum snickered. 'This is gonna be interesting.'
The pirate climbed up on the pirate ship, and shoved James off the plank.
Callum smirked, then turned his attention to the hotdog. It bumped into the same shelf again and again.
"Mr. Hotdog.... I think you need to turn around." Eli laughed, standing up and turning the hotdog around.
The hotdog chirped and ran into the other wall.
"No!" Eli said, giggling. "No running into walls!"
The hotdog turned around and bumped into the door.
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