``We are the freaks``
Thread Topic: ``We are the freaks``
Callum chuckled. 'C'mon,' he said, walking to the door.
Eli followed him out. "Can we explore this place more?" They asked curiously.
'Of course. What would you like to see?'
"I dunno. Just show me some of your favorite things." Eli offered.
Eli waited while Callum thought.
'We could go swimming in the lake, or draw stuff that come to life for 10 minutes.'
"You can do that?" Eli asked, amazed. "Let's do it!"
'C'mon,' he said, walking downstairs.
Eli followed, practically bursting with excitement.
Callum opened the door to an art room. There were two easles(IfeellikeIspeltthatwrong) and a bunch of coloured textas.
(Lmaoooo you spelled it right XD)
Eli grabbed a marker. "What should I draw?" -
'I dunno,' Callum said. -
"Hmm....." Eli decided on drawing a pirate ship because why not.
Callum drew a hotdog with arms and legs.
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