``We are the freaks``
Thread Topic: ``We are the freaks``
Callum walked to the door.
Eli followed, looking around the crowded hall. "Do you think the library's empty?"
'Maybe. Which way?'
"That way, follow me." Eli said, walking towards the library.
Callum followed, still not knowing where everything was.
Eli walked into the library,, and sure enough, there was only the librarian there, and she wasn't paying attention.
Callum grabbed Eli's wrist and they disappeared, reappearing in the loungeroom of Callum's house.
"Oh Raaaalph!" Eli said in a sing-song voice. "You awake?"
'He's probably in my room,' Callum said, grabbing the photo album they'd left open last time.
"Alright." Eli said, walking to the stairs. "You coming?"
'Yeah, gimme a second,' he said, putting the album in the old box.
Eli waited with a smile, leaning on the wall.
Callum put the box in the closet and shut it, then turned to Eli.
"Alright, lets go!" Eli said with a grin.
Callum nodded and followed Eli up the stairs.
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