``We are the freaks``
Thread Topic: ``We are the freaks``
Callum chuckled. He grabbed a white marker and outlined his drawing with it.
"How do they start moving?" Eli asked curiously, adding the finishing touches to their drawing.
'With this marker,' Callum said, being very careful with the outlining.
"Cool!" Eli said with a grin, excited to see them move.
Once Callum finished, he stepped back and the hotdog popped out of the drawing.
"What the hotdog?" Eli laughed, watching it move around.
Callum laughed. The hotdog walked around. Callum sighed. 'Shoot, I drew its mouth closed. It can't talk!'
"That might make it even funnier though. I mean, what would it even say?" Eli said, still laughing.
'That's a good point.'
"Hi Mr Hotdog... How've you been?" Eli asked, kneeling down.
The 2D hotdog looked up at Eli and whacked him with his 3-finger hand.
"Hey, that's rude!" Eli laughed. "Mr Hotdog, how could you?"
Callum burst into laughter. The hotdog made a chirping sound and patted the spot it'd hit Eli.
"Is this your way of apologizing?" Eli asked through their laughter, and the hotdog nodded.
Callum chuckled, hands over his mouth. 'Eli, do yours,' he said, eager to find out what his drawing would do.
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