``We are the freaks``
Thread Topic: ``We are the freaks``
Eli nodded, grabbing the magic marker and tracing it around the pirate ship and James, and it popped out of the paper and James promptly tripped off of the plank, making Eli laugh.
Callum snickered. The hotdog caught the 2D James in his small stick hands.
James tried to struggle out of the hotdogs grip, and the hotdog eventually got annoyed and dropped him.
(Holy crap that is a sentence i never thought I'd say XD) -
(it's a sentence I never thought I'd read lmao)
Callum laughed. 'That was good.' -
Eli nodded, giggling. "That hotdog is my friend now." They said, patting the hotdog on the head.
'For about ten minutes.'
"Shush." Eli glared, covering the hotdogs nonexistent ears. "Don't tell it that!"
'It doesn't have any ears.'
"It can still hear!" Eli protested. "So be nice!"
'Alright, alright,' Callum said, putting his hands up in mock surrender.
"Sorry you had to hear that Mr. Hotdog." Eli told the hotdog.
The hotdog made a chirping sound, hobbled over to Callum and slapped him round the face.
'Ow!' Callum exclaimed. 'Ok, I guess I deserve that.' -
Eli picked up the hotdog. "No slapping people! No matter how mean they were." They set the hotdog back down.
The hotdog made a chirping sound and slapped Eli's knee. Callum started laughing again.
"No slapping me either!" Eli said, grabbing the hotdogs arms so it wouldn't slap anyone or anything else.
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