``We are the freaks``
Thread Topic: ``We are the freaks``
Callum winced. 'Yeah, he needs to talk.'
"Definitely. But for the sake of this argument, he was agreeing with me." Eli said with a chuckle.
Callum chuckled. 'You two win, I guess.'
"We won!" Eli said happily to the hotdog.
The hotdog didn't quite know what that meant so he slapped Callum's arm. 'Hey! Sore winner!' Callum exclaimed.
"Hey, be nice!" Eli said, picking the hotdog up.
Callum raised his eyebrows at the hotdog. 'Why's he gotta be so smug about it?'
"It's a hotdog. I don't think it can be smug." Eli laughed, and the hotdog shook it's head indignantly.
'I think it can be,' Callum said with a chuckle.
"Hotdog, you're not helping me!"
Callum snickered. 'He really isn't.'
The hotdog smacked Eli on the face, though not that hard. "No smacking!" Eli said, setting the hotdog down.
Callum laughed. 'Bad hotdog!'
The hotdog ran up to Callum, kicking him in the shin.
'Oi!' Callum exclaimed, lifting his shin. 'That hurt!'
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