``We are the freaks``
Thread Topic: ``We are the freaks``
"Alright hotdog, be nice!" Eli said, picking the hotdog up again.
'Bad hotdog,' Callum mumbled, rubbing his leg.
The hotdog squeaked what must've been a powerful curse at Callum and tried to get out of Eli's grip.
'Why's he so aggressive?' Callum exclaimed.
"You did call him a bad hotdog." Eli pointed out, and the hotdog nodded furiously.
'He kicked me!'
"True. Mr hotdog, what do you have to say about that?" Eli asked, and the hotdog squeaked loudly.
'I'm pretty sure THAT was a swear word,' Callum chuckled.
"Definitely." Eli nodded. "Hotdog, you have to watch your language."
'I'm starting to not want to make him talk.'
The hotdog squeaked angrily. "Hotdog, stop!" Eli laughed.
Callum laughed.
"Alright, you've got 2 more minutes until you.... Disappear?" Eli said to the hotdog, not really knowing what would happen once the 10 minutes ended.
'Thank goodness,' Callum mumbled.
"Oh Callum, be nice!" Eli laughed.
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