``We are the freaks``
Thread Topic: ``We are the freaks``
Eli picked the hotdog up. "No. Now you stay next to me."
The hotdog made a loud chirping sound. Callum chuckled.
Eli set it down. "Be good, ok?"
The hotdog looked up at Eli.
"Does that mean yes?" Eli asked, and the hotdog nodded.
'I feel like it'd be interesting if it could talk,' Callum mused.
"Oh absolutely." Eli agreed, and the hotdog chirped, nodding.
'Next time I'll make it talk,' Callum said, nodding.
"Yay!" Eli cheered, smiling.
Callum chuckled.
The hotdog cheered, tripping on one of the pirates.
Callum burst into laughter. 'Geez, I'm glad I showed you this place,' he said to Eli.
"I'm glad too." Eli said, beaming. "This place is the coolest."
Callum smiled. 'I guess.'
"Hotdog, you believe me, right?" Eli asked, and got a very loud squeak in response.
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