``We are the freaks``
Thread Topic: ``We are the freaks``
'It didn't hear me!'
"It's still rude!"
Callum rolled his eyes. 'It deserves it.'
"Oh be nice. The hotdog has feelings too!"
'How'd I create something so aggressive?!'
"You made it with your ANGER." Eli laughed.
'He kicked me! I have a right to be angry.'
Eli laughed. "Whatever. This is hotdog's last minute, you ought to be nice for it!"
'Fiine,' Callum huffed, and patted the hotdog on the head. 'Nice hotdog.'
The hotdog seemed to be happy with that, and Eli chuckled. "There, was that so hard?"
'Yes, very.'
The hotdog got mad at that, but thankfully didn't do anything about it.
Callum snickered. 'Well, goodbye hotdog,' he said as the drawing began to slowly fade.
"Bye Mr. Hotdog." Eli said sadly, patting the hotdog on the head. "Don't slap people in heaven."
'He's going down,' Callum mumbled. The hotdog chirped angrily and fully disappeared.
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