``We are the freaks``
Thread Topic: ``We are the freaks``
"Don't say that!" Eli protested. "That's the last thing he heard!"
'It's a drawing.'
"I don't care, that was rude!"
"Too late now!" Eli chuckled. The pirates faded too. "So.... What do we do now?"
'Not sure,' Callum shrugged. 'We could... Uhm...'
"Hmm..... Is there anything spooky we could explore?"
'Nothing except the darkness.'
"What if we threw rocks at it or something?" Eli asked, though they didn't really mean it. They were just thinking out loud.
'I don't think that would help.'
"I know.... Do you have any deadly weapons here?" Eli asked, half joking. "Maybe we could use those against it."
'That wouldn't do anything,' Callum said.
"Dang. Did you make it with any secret weaknesses?"
'Not that I remember.'
Eli sighed. "Maybe we could use magic to freeze it?"
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