``We are the freaks``
Thread Topic: ``We are the freaks``
"What the heck are you drawing?" Eli said with a laugh.
'A hotdog!'
"But why?" Eli said, laughing.
'I think it'd be interesting.'
"Fair enough." Eli added a man looking like James on the pirate ship, with the same ridiculous looks as they drew on his face before.
Callum looked over at Eli's drawing. 'Is that James?' he laughed.
"Yes." Eli admit, laughing. "He's one of the hostages."
Callum burst into laughter.
"I'm gonna make him walk the plank." Eli said, half joking.
'But we're gonna have to deal with him for ten whole minutes!'
"Not if he walks the plank." Eli said with a laugh. "Or if I make him less of a jerk."
'You can try,' Callum said with a shrug, giving his hotdog a face.
"Maybe if I give him a smiley face...." Eli trailed off, adjusting the drawing. "Now he looks stupid."
Callum laughed.
Eli made it so James was walking off the plank. "There, now he'll be nicer. Or he'll just drown. Either way."
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