``We are the freaks``
Thread Topic: ``We are the freaks``
Eli entered Callum's room, and Ralph was still laying there. He wasn't asleep, but it looked like he just woke up.
'You good, Ralph?' Callum asked, shutting the door behind him.
"Yeah, just.... Tired." Ralph said slugishly.
'Mm,' Callum said, picking up the cat. 'We'll leave you alone in the cat room. C'mon, Eli.' Callum walked off into another door on the side.
"You have a cat room?" Eli asked in amazement, following Callum.
'Yup,' Callum said, walking down a staircase.
Ralph yawned, and he looked like he'd fall asleep in Callum's arms.
Callum scratched behind Ralph's ears, still walking.
Eli chuckled and they both got to the cat room.
There were beds in cavities in the walls and some blankets were sprawled on the floor. Callum put Ralph in a cavity.
Ralph purred, and sure enough was asleep within a few moments.
"Does he normally sleep this much?" -
'No,' Callum said, watching Ralph sleep. He was a little worried about the cat.
"Oh..." Eli said quietly. "Should we be concerned?"
'Maybe,' Callum said. 'I'll take him to the vet if he's still like this tomorrow.'
"Alright." Eli said, looking at Ralph, and then all the other cats. "So. Many. Cats."
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