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Joined on Feb 19, 2024
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"H-hey! Don't get all mushy on me!"
"*blushes* Yeah, yeah. You don't have to tell everyone, dummy."
"You good?"
"*gives you a gentle kiss before slowly backing away.* I..."
"*turns back towards you and looks into your eyes* Y-yeah, no problem."
"Yeah? Well, now that I'm here, you don't have to worry about that, got it? *blushes and looks away*"
"C'mon, don't be stupid! You need 'em."
"Glad to hear it."
"*Little do you know, Inuyasha has no intention to harm you, and his heart would actually be broken. He is only bluffing in hopes of scaring ..."
"Good. *takes your hand* And I'll be yours until we die. But if you ever leave me or decieve me, your blood will be mine."
"You'll be just mine, all mine. Okay?"
"Marry me. Be my one and only."
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