Harmony's Hideout
Thread Topic: Harmony's Hideout
I can't remember today. I should've journaled.
I'm looking forward to the next album more so than this one. I just enjoy the vibes of that one more. Zero does too.
I want to work more on the second album, honestly, but i need to finish the first one because that makes more sense.
A lot of mood shifting going on today and whatever.
I'm still so in love with this song.
I want to work on more music but it's getting late.
Should I do it?
I wasn't very social today. Mainly because everyone died or something lol
Not me getting sleepy before my bedtime.
Anyways, that ASMR last night was so good. -
I was out in 30 minutes. I wish I could do that every night.
I'm going to try my hardest to stay up as late as I can tonight.
I'm going to bed. I can't stay up any longer. I forfeit.
A fragment of some sort is fronting right now. They've not yet made themselves known. When this happens, i tend to sit for a while and just let them do whatever they wish until they feel comfortable enough to introduce.
I am semi aware of things today, but I don't feel alone, if that makes sense. It doesn't seem to be any of the known alters.
I've been very sleepy today. I didn't even stay up that late last night.
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