Mystic Moon's Profile
Mystic Moon
Joined on Oct 7, 2022
Status Level: Experienced
Level-up Progress:
2-Year Club
Mystic Moon's Quizzes
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Mystic Moon's Recent Posts
"I have the urge to change profiles again. Which one do we want?"
"Not an ingrown beard hair."
"So, I played some Metroid Prime and almost rage quit. I'm taking a break right now. Might return to it later. But I kept dying at a mini bos..."
"I funny."
". . . 😐"
"Who wants to see me do things?"
"I wanted to play Metroid Prime, but that game actually makes me sleepy because the atmosphere is so calming."
"I napped."
"You can do cool things while I'm gone, but nothing weird, okay?"
"Okay, world. I'm going to try to get some rest."
"Maybe if I prop myself up that'll work."
"I'm really sleepy. I feel like I need a nap."
"Guess it's back to this one."
"Yucky. I can't believe tomorrow is Sunday already. Better use tonight well."
Mystic Moon's Recent Quiz Comments
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