Harmony's Hideout
Thread Topic: Harmony's Hideout
Without the lyrics, the song sounds so lighthearted to be honest.
I might upload the original a few days later.
♡I'm just super excited to share my music!♡
Eeeeeeee! It's done uploading!
I shared my new song on Insta. Also it's here in the ballroom if anyone wants to take a tiny peek.
Twitter and Facebook done.
Ooo, we got one veiw.
I wish I had released this song first. Would've been the perfect song i was looking for.
Maybe this will be my first release on Spotify.
Do you think I should wait until a few days to release the original version, or should I also do that today since it's the same song?
I'm sleepy. Is it naptime now?
Hey, world? Thanks for listening to me. Sometimes I don't have anyone else to talk to.
I just wanted to sleep, but then my brain started remembering all the things I've done wrong. I feel like I'll never be able to forgive myself.
I guess i feel better now. I think I might've taken a nap. I'm not sure. I know i was lying down for a bit.
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