Harmony's Hideout
Thread Topic: Harmony's Hideout
I took a shower.
Like the thread i have, I've decided to keep a journal just for tracking alters.
Internet Overdose is so gooooooood.
I think it brought Calypso back to front, so that's good.
Now, let's get back to things and stuff.
This is actually a chore.
I know this might sound stupid, but the song "Big and Chunky" from Madagascar 2 makes me feel better about my body. I gained some weight while I was in the psych ward and I still haven't lost it. I feel a little insecure about it, but this song makes me feel like I might be okay.
I just need to stop being in denial and buy clothes my size now. I'm just a bit curvier. That's all. It really shows in my thighs, which i kinda don't mind, but my belly is what i mind.
I still feel a little sad, though. I used to be bashed for being skinny, and now people don't stop saying, "Oh, you gained weight!"
I haven't posted a selfie since gaining weight. That's how self conscious I am.
Should I even try to lose the weight or should I let it be?
My name is Moto Moto, you say it double
Say my name, girl
Moto Moto, say it again
Moto Moto -
My earbuds died. 😐
I has confused. My internet was supposed to expire yesterday and it's still on???
Maybe tomorrow since nobody works during the weekend.
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