Harmony's Hideout
Thread Topic: Harmony's Hideout
I don't know what we're processing but it must be something bad...
How is it possible to think on something without knowing what?...
My head hurts so much...
Sometimes it feels really hard to take care of myself, and now is one of those times...
People shy away from me when they see I'm just depressed... I promise I'm not going to hurt anyone... I just need a hug...
But i understand why... I'm probably draining to be around and ruin the mood since I don't smile...
Even right now, I feel like I'm mentally being torn apart... my thoughts aren't the kindest to me... they're all telling me that I'm not worth anything... I'll never be better... I deserve this... it's all they say...
I'm too tired to agree or disagree on what they have to say... I'm too tired to put any thought into it... they just attack me...
I don't want to eat...
I feel just a little better now.
My phone bill has finally been paid off after being in the hospital, unable to work for two months.
I don't make much a week, so it took ages to pay off, especially with the bill still piling up. It was at $600 when I got out the hospital 3 months ago. That's how bad it was. But I finally got it paid off.
Apparently Mouse was fronting during our sleeping process. Saw dreams from squeaks point of view.
I'm tired.
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