Harmony's Hideout
Thread Topic: Harmony's Hideout
Lol they're spying on me. It died as soon as I said that
Page one hundred. How are we feeling, thread?
It's so lonely here.
I am content.
I was thinking about taking another nap, but i don't want to waste the day.
So, anyway, my earbuds are done charging now, so we can listen to music again. Sweet.
That unnamed fragment is still here.
The state we are in is called being co-conscious. Idk if I spelled that right. But it's when two alters are aware of each other and can share memories. That explains why the body retains some memories when others are fronting, or how others share memories that the body holds.
But i still don't know who this is. I'm aware someone is here, but who?
There are people who create systems? How does that work? I don't understand.
Aren't systems only formed by trauma?
That profile is too yellow right now.
But, isn't that forcing?
I'm really confused.
I'm cold.
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