Harmony's Hideout
Thread Topic: Harmony's Hideout
Hello! Welcome to my thread. Bring a snack, some games, some rocks, even, and enjoy yourself while you're here!
I'm Harmony. I'm part of a system, so I may not always be here, and/or others may also be present in this thread at times.
☆ You can use she/her/hers/herself or it/its/itself when referring to me. I don't have a preference of either! ☆
<3 Some things I like are: The color pink, drawing, hyperpop, plushies, and anything cute! <3
Some things I don't like are: Rude people, too much seriousness, politics, and racist/homophobic/sexist anything. No yucky stuff! -_-
*.°☆Other Stuffs☆°.*
Sometimes I have a short attention span, so if I just stop replying to messages, I probably forgot we were talking. ='-'=
Please leave if I ask you to. I don't like repeating myself and I'm most likely uncomfortable if I ask you to leave.
No fighting in my thread, and no side conversations while I'm absent cause that's just rude.
Anything else I've failed to mention, I'll let you know when it comes up!
With that said, I hope you enjoy your stay! 💖 -
I wish I could post aesthetic pink things, but we're not there yet, so just pretend it's there. Ooo, ahhh.
Aw. I forgot to add my age. I'm an adult, so no weird stuff, okay?
Anyways, I had a decent day! Nothing particularly interesting happened, but we worked and got the job done despite being in a lot of pain today.
I'm so strong! I'm proud of myself.
Today, we'll make this the anniversary of a happy day. Why? Cause why not?
I'm a little sleepy from the rain and work, but I also want to stay up. Tonight is new years eve, if anyone's forgotten.
When I went to get a Gatorade today, I meant to get the pink berry one, but I accidentally grabbed a red fruit punch one that was in its place. I was a little sad.
I thought about calling this place Harmony's Hidey-Hole, but this just seemed more convenient.
The rain is coming down hard. I bet there are a lot of worms out now.
My friend got their wisdom teeth out and wasn't doing well. But they're much better now! I'm so happy they're okay now.
It's a thunderstorm.
Would it be fun or scary to be a raindrop? Free falling would be fun, but breaking into smaller drops when you hit the pavement might not be. Hmm.
I don't know.
I forgot what I was doing.
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