Harmony's Hideout
Thread Topic: Harmony's Hideout
I believe there is a new alter here, but they haven't made themselves known. They barely say anything and they're really just mostly depressed. I think they're just a placeholder.
The body was feeling upset earlier, but i think it's in a better mood right now. -
Whoever it is, I think they're co-fronting along with me and Aszerè.
I'm really proud of myself! I spoke to my therapist tonight and she's proud of me for opening up about my alters and accepting them. She also wants to try to get a diagnosis before my time with her as my therapist ends. She said that since she's been my therapist, she's noticed at least when Aszerè is fronting because I speak formally and seem to pause more to process and consider my words when speaking. I feel better knowing it's not all in my head.
Um, so, that quiz is weird.
I'm going to try to stay up for to more hours so I can greet the new year.
I have therapy tomorrow. The body is always excited for therapy.
I think tomorrow I'll try to socialize.
Not cool.
Makes me sad to know people have nothing better to do.
2025 is already starting off with nuisance
But it's okay!
I wish quizzes could be deleted because omg that's nasty
They're already starting fire crackers.
I want to watch, but I have nowhere to sit. 3
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