Harmony's Hideout
Thread Topic: Harmony's Hideout
help i hate it when ads are loud-
alg lmao
Hru doing? -
I'm alright
How are you doing? -
that's good
I'm pretty good but also tired as hell -
You should take a nap.
Back to lying down.
Stop it, brain. I'm not trying to go to sleep. I need to stay awake so I can think about things. I'm trying my hardest to be present.
Well, this is sudden. I wasn't expecting for all those memories to come up.
I feel foggy.
I don't think I feel like eating even though it's far past time for lunch. I just have no desire for food at the moment. Perhaps if it were already made like yesterday's lunch, I would eat.
That is not a name it uses anymore, due to traumatic events that occured. A certain person soiled the name.
Harmony apparently ordered something. I regret that.
It's not the body's style of clothing.
And it's too late to cancel thr order.
I shouldn't have let her do that.
I have no words for this.
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